Learn to save a life.
Learn to save a life.
The American Red Cross Hawaii State Chapter, East Hawaii, will host two training classes in October at the chapter’s classroom, 55 Ululani St. in Hilo. Depending upon the desired course, class length can run from four to 10 hours.
• Adult First Aid/CPR/ AED, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Oct. 18 and 20. Cost: $90.
Participants will be trained to recognize and care for victims of illness and sudden injuries, and learn how to administer CPR and use an AED for life-threatening respiratory or cardiac emergencies on adults.
• Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED, 9 a.m.-3:15 p.m. Oct. 18. Cost: $110.
Learn to recognize and care for victims of illness and sudden injuries and life-threatening respiratory or cardiac emergencies in adults, children and infants and learn how to use an AED.
To register, call 1-800-733-2767 or visit www.redcross.org/take-a-class. After registering, attendees will receive an emailed attachment with more info on the class.
Certificates will be provided to participants upon successful completion of courses. All Red Cross first aid/CPR/AED certifications are valid for two years. Classes are based on availability and subject to change.